Your Sense Of Purpose

Your Sense Of Purpose Can Unleash Your Potential

If you have ever met a person who is not aware of what they are worth or what value their existence brings to the world and has run out of ideas, then you will agree that a sense of purpose makes a huge difference in a person’s life.

The belief that there is a good reason for one’s existence gives life a meaning and a reason for the person to look forward to the next day. That need to fulfill one’s purpose and add value to the world around us is not something we randomly act on and succeed.

On top of knowing what makes us who we are or should be, we need to map ways through which we can stay firm and focused on the reason for our existence. Thus, purpose pushes people to wake up every morning and embark on a journey that makes a difference in their lives and that of loved ones, to wake up and work toward fulfilling their purpose.

Our commitment to our purpose is the catalyst for unleashing our potential.

The determination to succeed ignites a fire in us to get out of our hiding our comfort zones and do something about our lives, and it all starts with that one step no matter how small it may be.

Once we have taken that one step, we begin to see and believe in the possibility to take even more steps towards achieving dreams.

We begin to have a different view of the world and the way we appreciate life changes.

We even begin to understand more and more about purpose and discover new and better ways to live in accordance with it.

In essence, understanding our purpose and taking a step towards fulfilling it gets us on a journey of continuous growth. Once we discover some possibilities and implement them, we get the courage to try new things.

We also get the courage to confront our fears and appreciate challenges. This is made possible by the fact that we can look back and see where we once were.

We get lessons from our old selves, a time when we did not even know whether we had the power in us to take that first step.

It reminds us of the same fears we had when we were still trying to find a starting point, how we struggled with challenges that later turned out to be the very things we needed to identify gaps in our strategies and helped us improve on our planning.

When we push ourselves towards living a meaningful life, we discover our capabilities we otherwise would have missed out on had we not believed our lives could be or were meant to be better than what they were, and not taken intentional steps towards fulfilling our purpose.

Where the right approach to fulfilling our purpose is employed and the basis of our belief in that we have a purpose is firm, we find satisfaction in remaining consistent in pursuing the goal to continue to give our life meaning.

The principles that we adopt which form the foundation of our being never feel like a burden even when spectators may think that they are depriving us of fun and are slowing us down. This consistency supported by our principles helps us set priorities right and only change the things we do only if we have a logical reason to do so.

We are firm in our position and outside forces have less to no power to influence our lives. It is easier to reject things that are not aligned with our purpose.

However, a wise person would keep in mind the need to remain open-minded;

to learn to listen to other people, because we never stop learning.

A sense of purpose can drive us to care about others and give back. This is a necessary step towards building and maintaining good relationships with others.

As we share especially our knowledge with others, we put ourselves in a position where we can get valuable information from them and discover new things about ourselves and the path that we are pursuing. By completely shutting out people, we risk missing out on opportunities to grow and to help others grow.

Knowing and living your purpose, and the fulfillment that comes with it bring the happiness one cannot begin to explain.

Just remember that, happiness itself, is a reflection of a positive attitude.

It is general knowledge that a positive attitude also means that one is in a position to reason effectively and see opportunities where others may see threats only.

Such a person can be more ready to expand potential, and believing that they have a duty to perform in the world motivates them to grab every opportunity.


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